iOS Integration Guide

You can install the UserExperior iOS SDK through cocoapods or manually.

Via Cocoapods

  1. Install cocoapods if you don't already have it.
  2. Add to the pod file

    pod 'UserExperior', '4.1.12'
  3. From your terminal, type

    • pod repo update (Optional - mostly if you are facing Unable to find a specification in CocoaPods issue)

      After repo update perform below command to install pod

    • pod install

    • Set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to Yes in Build Setting panel of project as well as app target. (Specially if your project based on old objective c project)

After SDK Integration (Via cocoapods)

  1. In your app delegate, include:

    • For Objective-C

      #import <UserExperior/UserExperior-Swift.h>

    • For Swift

      import UserExperior

  2. Add this call as the first line of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.

    • For Objective-C

      [UserExperior initialize:@"USER_KEY"];

    • For Swift


Customizing UserExperior with Key APIs

1. Add User Identifier

UserExperior SDK by default takes device id as user identifier. However, you can specify any unique user identifier of your choice (eg. Email Id, Phone Number, etc.) as custom user identifier. This identifier will show up in UserExperior portal.

    [UserExperior setUserIdentifier:@"pass-your-user-id-here"];

2. Mask Sensitive Views

UserExperior SDK by default masks all the UITextField and UITextView. If you wish to mask any other UI element in your app, you can mask it by:

    let label = UILabel() 
    label.isSecureView = true

NOTE : Call isSecureView on any UI control object which is inherited from UIView

3. Control Recording

UserExperior SDK has following APIs which can be used to control the recording. The APIs stopRecording, pauseRecording, resumeRecording are optional and they should be only called when you explicitly want to override the default behavior. Basically, you can use pauseRecording and resumeRecording to bypass any user flow which you don't want UserExperior to capture

Stop Recording

By default, recording stops automatically once the app goes to background. However, you can stop at desired point by calling this API.

    [UserExperior stopRecording];

Pause Recording

This API pauses the recording, you can use resumeRecording API to resume.

    [UserExperior pauseRecording];

Resume Recording

This API resumes the recording if it is paused.

    [UserExperior resumeRecording];

React Native Integration

  1. Add the UserExperior plugin to your project:
npm install --save react-native-userexperior
react-native link react-native-userexperior
  1. Call the following method when your app starts (when your root component loads):
var UserExperior = require('react-native-userexperior');

Important - App transport security setting

If you are using Xcode 8.0 and Swift 3.0 or Swift 2.2 or even Objective C then add this in the plist:

<key>App Transport Security Settings</key>
     <key>Allow Arbitrary Loads</key><true/>

What is NSAllowsArbitraryLoads?

A Boolean value used to disable App Transport Security for any domains not listed in the NSExceptionDomains dictionary. Listed domains use the settings specified for that domain. The default value of NO requires the default App Transport Security behaviour for all connections.

More reference: